Tuesday 26 November 2013

Research School Magazine 2

The title of this magazine is 'THE KING'S SCHOOL', they called the magazine this as that is the name of the school, they have put it in capital letters so it will stand out. The title is also in blue, this would make it look professional and represents the school in a professional way.

The main image used is of a boy, he is in casual clothes which is a contrast to the professional look of the magazine. The fact that he is in casual clothes suggests that the school is very laid back which would appeal to the niche market of young adults, as young people like to dress in casual and comfortable clothes. There is also a smaller image from the school prom which would appeal to the target audience as its about them and they can relate to it, as there is a price of 80p to pay a few more images would be good as it will make the magazine look more interesting.

The story that stands out the most is 'EXAM STRESS!' which is in capital, bold letters. By making this stand out it will really appeal to the target audience as they will be going through it themselves once again they can relate to this. There is also a story on uniform and it says 'the debate is on' suggesting that there is an ongoing feud about this and it also links to the main image of the boy as he isn't really in a uniform. At the bottom there is a story called 'doughnuts in the canteen? Have your say!' This could also be seen as a debate, the fact that they have a lot of debates suggests that the school is very vocal and they let the students have a say in their own education which would appeal to parents or new student who are interested in the school.

The colour scheme is red and blue, I think it works well as it stand out and will appeal to the target audience. The font is quite professional so it suggests that the school is very professional, however there is also a more interesting font at the bottom as its a more quirky story which suggests that the school also have fun which will  appeal to new students.

In the magazine there is all the typical conventions of a magazine such as a:
  • Title 
  • Main image 
  • Date 
  • Cover story 
  • Smaller images and stories
  • Barcode

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