Friday 29 November 2013

Double Page Spread Analysis 2

The title of the double page spread is '"do I ever have a casual Friday? "ABSOLUTLY!"' as it is a quote from someone they listen to and it makes the article seem more interesting, this would appeal to the audience as they will want to know what Davey Havok is like on a normal day, they can relate to Davey more as they will so him as more of a normal person rather than a celebrity as he also has casual Fridays just like everyone else does. Below the main title it says 'ahead of their UK tour AFL frontman Davey Havok talks style, celebrity culture and the death of the rock star' this will appeal to the audience as they will want to know his opinions, especially the people who are big fans of AFL and Davey Havok. The niche audience will want to get advice on style, from someone who they look up to and idolise, they will also want to know about his culture and what he thinks about the 'death of the rock star' which will also appeal to the audience as they will be interested in the latest rock news.

The image of Davey Havok is very large and takes up a whole page, he is also in quite a laid back position making the audience feel more comfortable allowing them to relate to him more. By taking up the whole page it lets the audience know that the article is all about him. His tattoos will also appeal to the audience as they will be interested in hard and edgy things such as tattoos. The fact that the only image on the page is Davey makes it clear to the reader that the whole article centres him so they can be clear what to expect. The lights border also gives the magazine a feeling of stardom and makes the overall appearance more interesting to look at, it also makes the image of Davey Havok look more appealing as the lights complement his style and makes him seem more important.  

The font is very neat and organised and will appeal to a more mature audience, it is also very formal and consistent which will attract a more mature audience too, however the different font sizes make the page look more current and gives it a younger feeling which will appeal to a younger audience, by appealing to both a young and older audience the magazine will get more of a larger audience and make the company more money. The colour scheme is quite dull which will appeal to the audience as rock is more of a gothic genre, the more important things are highlighted in pink which is a complete contrast from the dull background and stands out from the dull black and greys, the readers eyes will automatically be drawn to the pink and therefore the most important parts of the article.

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