Friday 29 November 2013

Double Page Spread Analysis 1

The title of the double page spread is 'Merry Christmurs' this would appeal to the target audience as it is a pun of his name, it gives the magazine a funny feeling and makes it more interesting to read. The white writing on the red background makes it stand out and draws the eyes to the title straight away, similarly the yellow 'Murs!' stands out from the rest of the title drawing the eyes directly to the pun. 

The image of Olly Murs on the right takes up a whole A4 page, this makes it clear to the audience that the article will be all about him. It will appeal to the niche audience as they will want to read all about him and what he has been doing at Christmas. The other images on the page are also of Olly Murs highlighting the fact that the article is all about him. The blue snow flack background also makes the magazine look more appealing and makes Olly stand out more as he is in darker red and blue colours; he stand out but the magazine still looks consistent.

The heading of the article is 'oh it's a jolly 'oliday with Olly and look who's popped along - 1D, Si-Co, Rita Ora and Flackers.' this would appeal to the target audience as they will what to know what is so 'jolly' about it, it leaves the reader wondering. There is also yellow and red highlighting on the things that they want the reader to look at the most, the disorganization of the text and colours on the page make the magazine look more youthful and will attract the target audience.

The main colour scheme is red, blue and yellow these colours are very bright and youthful attracting the audience, they are also in keeping with the christmas theme making the magazine more consistence and therefore more appealing to look at. The Font used is very simple but stands which will make the magazine look professional yet appealing to the eye. 

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