Tuesday 26 November 2013

My School Magazine Planning

My magazine will be called 'EEHS WEEKLY' because it will suggest that the magazine will be a weekly thing that the students and teachers can rely on. 

It will included stories such as:
1. Outstanding GCSE results
2. Prom Drama
3. Have your say.....
4. EEHS Sixth Form 

I have choose these as the feature stories because they are about the students and teachers so they will be more interested in the magazine, I included 'Have your say....' because it will be more interactive for the students and they can express their views about the school.

The images will correspond with the feature stories so the magazine will look relevant and appeal to the target audience and the colour scheme will be the EEHS colours so people will know what school the magazine if from if they see it. I will also use an interesting but professional font because if its interesting it will attract the students and the professional look will attract the teachers and anyone else interested in the school like parents.

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