Friday 29 November 2013

Music Magazine Research 2

The title of this magazine is 'KERRANG' and it is a black, cracked font which will appeal to the target audience as they will generally be men who enjoy rock. The cracked bold font will draw the niche audience in as you can tell straight away that its a rock magazine.

The main image is of a rocker with a guitar, this would attract the niche audience as they will know who he is and will want to know the latest news about him. The cover story is '100 GREATEST GIGS EVER! your votes are in! the winners are...' this would attract the target audience as the '...' will draw them in as they will want to know who the winners are. Some of the smaller images are of other rock artists such as 'Green Day' and 'Metallica' this will also attract the audience as those images will link to the cover story and they will want to know if there favourite artist won. Another story is '"We're going to crush the UK!" The Black Crusades VS Taste of Chaos' this would attract the target audience they will want to know more about the story, it will also attract more people in the if they are fans of the two artists mentioned.

The main font used is a bold, cracked, messy font which will attract the target audience, the font is all in capitals too which will make it stand out on the page. The main colours used are black, white, red and yellow which will attract the audience as black and red are dangerous colours whereas yellow and white are calmer colours creating a contrast, this would attract the target audience as rock is a is a complete contrast to most over music genres.

The magazine includes all the typical conventions such as:
  • Title
  • Barcode
  • Date
  • Issue No.
  • Cover story
  • Main images
  • Feature stories

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