Tuesday 26 November 2013

Research School Magazine 1

The title of this magazine is 'school weekly' I think they chose this  because it suggests that the magazine will be a weekly addition so the students, the parents and the teachers can rely on the magazine to get an update on the latest news for the school. the title is also red, this makes the magazine stand out as its bold and bright.

The main image is of a girl holding her school books and bag, this makes the audience feel as if the students are hard working and will reassure parents that the school and the students are serious about their education. There are also a few smaller 'Exclusive pictures of year 11 prom', this would appeal to an audience as they can see that after all the hard work the students have done they can celebrate and have fun, they can feel proud.

The main cover story is 'Every year 11 pupil GCSE grades published!' this would definitely stand out on the page because if the school are wiling to publish the results, they must be very good and the school must feel very proud of their students. There is also a section called 'Stressing about exams?' where they offer top 10 tips about how to prepare for exams. This would appeal to all the students as they will be able to get advice without having to specifically ask, which some students are embarrassed to do, it would also appeal to the parents as they can see that the school care about their  children enough to offer this advice.

The colour scheme throughout is red and blue, I think that it works quite well, however its not very interesting and doesn't draw you in, the font is also quite boring yet professional so it looks good however as its a school magazine the students may prefer a more interesting font.
The typical things that are on the front cover is things like the:
  • Date of the issue
  • Title 
  • Cover story
  • A few feature stories 
  • A main image
  • Smaller images

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