Friday 29 November 2013

Contents Page Analysis 2

The title of the contents page is 'Kerrang! This Week' this would appeal to the audience as it suggests that the magazine is reliable and will be weekly. By using bold, capital letters it will make the title stand out, the yellow and black also link withe the front cover so it makes the magazine consistent. 

Some of the main headings include 'news', 'live reviews', 'features', 'gig guide', 'album review', and 'K! Quiz'. All the different headings will attract the niche audience and they can look at the parts that most interest them. The 'news' heading will attract those intested in all the latest gossip and all the latest rock news. The 'live reviews', 'gig guide' and 'album review' will attract those most interested in the live rock music and what others think about the music, they will be able to relate and include there own opinions. The 'features' heading will attract those who are interested in more than just the music but the extra parts too. Finally the 'K! Quiz' will attract the big rock fans who will have a good chance of winning the prizes, it may also attract people who are interested in rock but don't buy the magazine, the quiz could get them interested and they may buy the ,magazine more often as they will be interested in what on offer every issue.

Some of the images used are quite dark which will attract the target audience, the main image of the man crowd surfing will attract the audience as it goes with the genre of the music, it is quite raw and and crazy just like the audience and the musicians. The fact that the image is at the top of the page which will attract the audience as its right in there face when they open it. Some of the other images include close up images of other musicians, this would also make the audience interested as they will know what that particular article will be about.

The main colour scheme is yellow and black, this links in with the front cover and makes the magazine consistent. The yellow and black will interest the target audience as they are raw and gothic and suites the genre well. There is also a lot of white used which is the opposite as white is quite pure and rock is impure. The font is all in capital letters which makes it stand out, it could also give an impression of shouting, which would attract the audience as rock is quite a loud in your face music.

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