Friday 29 November 2013

Double Page Spread Analysis 3

The Title of the double page spread is '"Girls give me a headache!"' this would attract the audience as a lot of girls will like Justin Bieber and they will want to know why he has said that.

The image of Justin Bieber is on the right and is very large which will draw the audience in, his clothes are red and black which matches the colour scheme of the magazine making it all consistent. The position that he is sitting in is very casual making the reader feel comfortable, you can also see the tattoo on his left arm which say 'believe', this would interest the niche audience as fans will want to be up to date with all his latest activates, it will also appeal to the audience as it might inspire them as fans are very influenced by their idols.

The heading of the article is 'dating drama, family feuds and coping with crazy fans - could good boy JUSTIN have finally gone a little bit bad?' this would attract the audience as its a question, they will want to read on to find out the answer. There is also other questions asked below with Justin's answers which will appeal to the niche audience as they will want to know all of the latest things about him. To the right of he article there is a list of all of Justin's dressing room demands, by placing it there they can be sure the reader will see it as it is next to the end of the article, this will attract the audience as the fans will want to know all about what he likes and the things he does. At the bottom of the page there is a website where you can listen to his latest single, this will appeal to the audience as they will want to be up to date with all his songs.

The colour scheme is red and black, these colours are normally not associated with pop as they are quite hard colours more suited to the rock genre, however it will still appeal to the audience as Justin is wearing the colours and the fans will like what he likes. The font used for the title is quite girly and fun which will appeal to the audience as they will mostly be girls, the main font used for the article is simple, by using a simple font it doesn't distract the reader from the most important parts of the magazine like the images an the title and it keeps the magazine looing professional.

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