Friday 29 November 2013

Contents Page Analysis 3

The title of the content page is 'inside the mag...' this would attract the target audience because the '...' leaves suspense and they will want to carry on reading. The diagram of the magazine is very interesting and and gives a more visual representation of the magazine, it gives you all the page numbers of what on the front cover so the audience can go straight to what interests them the most. They have positioned the magazine diagram at the top of the page so it will be one of the first things the reader will see when they open the magazine.

There are five sub-headings 'we love boys', 'Celebs and gossip', 'we love shopping', 'all about you' and 'wins & offers'. By using five different heading it will attract the niche audience as they can see straight away  what they want to read the most. The 'we love boys' and 'we love shopping' section will attract the target audience as they will mainly be teenage girls who are interested in boys. The 'Celebs and gossip' section will also attract the audience as they will want to know all about what there favorite celebrities have been up. The 'all about you' section will make the audience feel special and they will feel important like a celebrity does. Finally the 'wins and offers' section will attract the audience as they will want to win what is on offer, this may also attract more people as they may be interested in what is on offer too.

Some of the images included are of One Direction and of shopping items, this would attract the audience as they will mostly be teen girls who are interested in shopping and boys. They have placed the image of One Direction at the bottom corner of the page where you turn the page, by placing it here the reader will defiantly see it and they can flip straight to page 26 to see what the story is about.

The font and colours used are very girly which would attract the audience, the pink will attract the main audience which will be girls and the yellow goes well with the pink, making the magazine stand out and look good. The font will make the magazine look more interesting and attractive to the reader and the yellow highlighting will make the best stories stand out more.

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