Friday 29 November 2013

Contents Page Analysis 1

The title of this contents page is ' We love this...' this would attract the target audience as the 'we' makes the reader feel part of a group and the '...' leaves the reader wanting to know more about whats included in the magazine. The title is black and the font is big which makes it stand out more against the background. 

The main image of Olly Murs is in the centre of the page so it is the main focus of the magazine, the page number of the story is in a bold font so the reader can see straight away where to go, it also links in with the cover of the magazine and will appeal to the niche audience who like Olly Murs a lot. The caption below is '"I'd give Rita Ora a nice cuddle... and maybe a song"', this will interest the niche audience as they will want to know the gossip about them, Are they dating?. etc. Some of the other images are of One Direction, Union J and The Wanted, this will appeal to the target audience as they will mostly be teenage girls interested in boys and and boy bands, they will want to know all the latest gossip about their favorite bands. 

The feature stories are in a small box to the left of the page, by placing it here it makes more room for the main and most important articles in the magazine. The title in the box is 'inside this month...' the ellipses leaves the audience wondering making them read on. They have organized the stories neatly and wrote the page number next to it so the reader know where to go straight away. At the bottom of the page there is a strip of pictures and a yellow bubble saying 'new posters' this makes it stand out on the page and will interest the audience more as they will want the new posters, by placing it at the bottom of the page it will be the last thing the reader sees before the turn the page so it will be fresher in there mind. 

The main colour scheme is green and blue, this will link in with the cover page making it consistent and links with the christmas theme, it will also attract the target audience as its a christmas issue and they will be in Christmassy mood. The font is also very bold making it stand out, and the more important parts are in a larger font so they stand out more attracting the audience to those parts more. 

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