Friday 29 November 2013

Music Magazine Comparison

  • Top of the Pops magazine is a monthly magazine published by BBC Magazines. it is a supplementary magazine for the TV show Top of the Pops which was cancelled in 2006. The magazine was launched in 1995 and became famous for giving the Spice Girls their nicknames. 
  • NME magazine and is currently published by IPC Media which is the UK’s leading publisher of consumer magazines and websites. NME was launched in 1952 and was the bestselling magazine during the 1970s. 
Target Audience
  • Top of the Pops magazine is mainly aimed at teenage girls with 87% of it readership being girls and 13% being boys and the age is ranging between 11-15. The magazine includes all things pop music and pop celebrities. The magazine is quite expensive at £2.30 however the magazine gives away a lot of freebees making the price more reasonable and creating a wider audience. 
  • NME magazines average reader is 24 year old fast moving music fan with 69% of its readers being male and 31% of its readers being female and 52% of its readers are also full time workers. The total readership spends £326 million on audio equipment per year and typically they enjoy going to gigs and other live events in their spare time. 
  • Top of the Pops magazine has a bright, young and friendly image which attracts the young audience, it is presented in a happy and cheery ways as it is a teens magazine. Top of the Pops magazine was originally the missing link between Smash Hits and NME. The main images and titles on the magazine is generally of a young new pop star with a catchy title with a lot of gossip this attracts the target audience as they are young and will want to know all the latest gossip.
  • NME magazine has a dark and older feeling to it using mostly reds, blacks and whites, the hard edginess of the magazine will attract the target audience. The main images and titles are normally of a rock band with a short to the point title attracting the target audience as they are normally workers so they will want to read a quick magazine that still includes all the information about music. 

Music Magazine History

Melody Marker was the first music magazine released in 1926 and it was published in the united kingdom, it was mostly based on jazz and then then it slowly introduced rock.

Later in 1952 NME (New musical express) was published also in the united kingdom and was the first to include a singles chart and became associated the with punk rock genre. Later in 1996 NME launched their online magazine.

The Rolling Stone magazine published in 1967 was created and documented music as part of the culture and youth of music, it was less about the facts and more about the culture.

Smash Hits was created in 1978 and was aimed at teenagers, this magazine is very important to the development of music as it was a genre-specific magazine (pop) and focused only on the pop genre.

The Face was launched in 1980 by Nick Logan who was the former editor of Kerrang! and Smash hits. The Face was a monthly magazine which had the colorful elements of Smash hits magazine but was aimed at an older audience, including music, fashion and lifestyle.

In 1981 Kerrang was created and was devoted to rock music. It was first published on the 6th June by Bauer media group and is one of the most popular music magazines in the UK.

Q magazine was published in 1986 by EMAP and is a monthly magazine . originally the magazine was to be cue but was changed so it wouldn't be confused with a snooker magazine.

In 1993 Vibe was launched however it shut down and got a private investments from inter media partners in 2009.

In 1995 Top of the Pops launched which is monthly magazine published by Immediate Media Company and features chart information, star gossip, fashion and beauty advice, quizzes, song lyrics and posters.

NME and Melody Marker merge in 2000 which are both owned by IPC Media. Steve Sutherland left to become Brand Director of the NME and was replaced by Ben Knowles the writer of Melody Marker.

Double Page Spread Analysis 1

The title of the double page spread is 'Merry Christmurs' this would appeal to the target audience as it is a pun of his name, it gives the magazine a funny feeling and makes it more interesting to read. The white writing on the red background makes it stand out and draws the eyes to the title straight away, similarly the yellow 'Murs!' stands out from the rest of the title drawing the eyes directly to the pun. 

The image of Olly Murs on the right takes up a whole A4 page, this makes it clear to the audience that the article will be all about him. It will appeal to the niche audience as they will want to read all about him and what he has been doing at Christmas. The other images on the page are also of Olly Murs highlighting the fact that the article is all about him. The blue snow flack background also makes the magazine look more appealing and makes Olly stand out more as he is in darker red and blue colours; he stand out but the magazine still looks consistent.

The heading of the article is 'oh it's a jolly 'oliday with Olly and look who's popped along - 1D, Si-Co, Rita Ora and Flackers.' this would appeal to the target audience as they will what to know what is so 'jolly' about it, it leaves the reader wondering. There is also yellow and red highlighting on the things that they want the reader to look at the most, the disorganization of the text and colours on the page make the magazine look more youthful and will attract the target audience.

The main colour scheme is red, blue and yellow these colours are very bright and youthful attracting the audience, they are also in keeping with the christmas theme making the magazine more consistence and therefore more appealing to look at. The Font used is very simple but stands which will make the magazine look professional yet appealing to the eye. 

Double Page Spread Analysis 2

The title of the double page spread is '"do I ever have a casual Friday? "ABSOLUTLY!"' as it is a quote from someone they listen to and it makes the article seem more interesting, this would appeal to the audience as they will want to know what Davey Havok is like on a normal day, they can relate to Davey more as they will so him as more of a normal person rather than a celebrity as he also has casual Fridays just like everyone else does. Below the main title it says 'ahead of their UK tour AFL frontman Davey Havok talks style, celebrity culture and the death of the rock star' this will appeal to the audience as they will want to know his opinions, especially the people who are big fans of AFL and Davey Havok. The niche audience will want to get advice on style, from someone who they look up to and idolise, they will also want to know about his culture and what he thinks about the 'death of the rock star' which will also appeal to the audience as they will be interested in the latest rock news.

The image of Davey Havok is very large and takes up a whole page, he is also in quite a laid back position making the audience feel more comfortable allowing them to relate to him more. By taking up the whole page it lets the audience know that the article is all about him. His tattoos will also appeal to the audience as they will be interested in hard and edgy things such as tattoos. The fact that the only image on the page is Davey makes it clear to the reader that the whole article centres him so they can be clear what to expect. The lights border also gives the magazine a feeling of stardom and makes the overall appearance more interesting to look at, it also makes the image of Davey Havok look more appealing as the lights complement his style and makes him seem more important.  

The font is very neat and organised and will appeal to a more mature audience, it is also very formal and consistent which will attract a more mature audience too, however the different font sizes make the page look more current and gives it a younger feeling which will appeal to a younger audience, by appealing to both a young and older audience the magazine will get more of a larger audience and make the company more money. The colour scheme is quite dull which will appeal to the audience as rock is more of a gothic genre, the more important things are highlighted in pink which is a complete contrast from the dull background and stands out from the dull black and greys, the readers eyes will automatically be drawn to the pink and therefore the most important parts of the article.

Double Page Spread Analysis 3

The Title of the double page spread is '"Girls give me a headache!"' this would attract the audience as a lot of girls will like Justin Bieber and they will want to know why he has said that.

The image of Justin Bieber is on the right and is very large which will draw the audience in, his clothes are red and black which matches the colour scheme of the magazine making it all consistent. The position that he is sitting in is very casual making the reader feel comfortable, you can also see the tattoo on his left arm which say 'believe', this would interest the niche audience as fans will want to be up to date with all his latest activates, it will also appeal to the audience as it might inspire them as fans are very influenced by their idols.

The heading of the article is 'dating drama, family feuds and coping with crazy fans - could good boy JUSTIN have finally gone a little bit bad?' this would attract the audience as its a question, they will want to read on to find out the answer. There is also other questions asked below with Justin's answers which will appeal to the niche audience as they will want to know all of the latest things about him. To the right of he article there is a list of all of Justin's dressing room demands, by placing it there they can be sure the reader will see it as it is next to the end of the article, this will attract the audience as the fans will want to know all about what he likes and the things he does. At the bottom of the page there is a website where you can listen to his latest single, this will appeal to the audience as they will want to be up to date with all his songs.

The colour scheme is red and black, these colours are normally not associated with pop as they are quite hard colours more suited to the rock genre, however it will still appeal to the audience as Justin is wearing the colours and the fans will like what he likes. The font used for the title is quite girly and fun which will appeal to the audience as they will mostly be girls, the main font used for the article is simple, by using a simple font it doesn't distract the reader from the most important parts of the magazine like the images an the title and it keeps the magazine looing professional.

Contents Page Analysis 1

The title of this contents page is ' We love this...' this would attract the target audience as the 'we' makes the reader feel part of a group and the '...' leaves the reader wanting to know more about whats included in the magazine. The title is black and the font is big which makes it stand out more against the background. 

The main image of Olly Murs is in the centre of the page so it is the main focus of the magazine, the page number of the story is in a bold font so the reader can see straight away where to go, it also links in with the cover of the magazine and will appeal to the niche audience who like Olly Murs a lot. The caption below is '"I'd give Rita Ora a nice cuddle... and maybe a song"', this will interest the niche audience as they will want to know the gossip about them, Are they dating?. etc. Some of the other images are of One Direction, Union J and The Wanted, this will appeal to the target audience as they will mostly be teenage girls interested in boys and and boy bands, they will want to know all the latest gossip about their favorite bands. 

The feature stories are in a small box to the left of the page, by placing it here it makes more room for the main and most important articles in the magazine. The title in the box is 'inside this month...' the ellipses leaves the audience wondering making them read on. They have organized the stories neatly and wrote the page number next to it so the reader know where to go straight away. At the bottom of the page there is a strip of pictures and a yellow bubble saying 'new posters' this makes it stand out on the page and will interest the audience more as they will want the new posters, by placing it at the bottom of the page it will be the last thing the reader sees before the turn the page so it will be fresher in there mind. 

The main colour scheme is green and blue, this will link in with the cover page making it consistent and links with the christmas theme, it will also attract the target audience as its a christmas issue and they will be in Christmassy mood. The font is also very bold making it stand out, and the more important parts are in a larger font so they stand out more attracting the audience to those parts more. 

Contents Page Analysis 2

The title of the contents page is 'Kerrang! This Week' this would appeal to the audience as it suggests that the magazine is reliable and will be weekly. By using bold, capital letters it will make the title stand out, the yellow and black also link withe the front cover so it makes the magazine consistent. 

Some of the main headings include 'news', 'live reviews', 'features', 'gig guide', 'album review', and 'K! Quiz'. All the different headings will attract the niche audience and they can look at the parts that most interest them. The 'news' heading will attract those intested in all the latest gossip and all the latest rock news. The 'live reviews', 'gig guide' and 'album review' will attract those most interested in the live rock music and what others think about the music, they will be able to relate and include there own opinions. The 'features' heading will attract those who are interested in more than just the music but the extra parts too. Finally the 'K! Quiz' will attract the big rock fans who will have a good chance of winning the prizes, it may also attract people who are interested in rock but don't buy the magazine, the quiz could get them interested and they may buy the ,magazine more often as they will be interested in what on offer every issue.

Some of the images used are quite dark which will attract the target audience, the main image of the man crowd surfing will attract the audience as it goes with the genre of the music, it is quite raw and and crazy just like the audience and the musicians. The fact that the image is at the top of the page which will attract the audience as its right in there face when they open it. Some of the other images include close up images of other musicians, this would also make the audience interested as they will know what that particular article will be about.

The main colour scheme is yellow and black, this links in with the front cover and makes the magazine consistent. The yellow and black will interest the target audience as they are raw and gothic and suites the genre well. There is also a lot of white used which is the opposite as white is quite pure and rock is impure. The font is all in capital letters which makes it stand out, it could also give an impression of shouting, which would attract the audience as rock is quite a loud in your face music.

Contents Page Analysis 3

The title of the content page is 'inside the mag...' this would attract the target audience because the '...' leaves suspense and they will want to carry on reading. The diagram of the magazine is very interesting and and gives a more visual representation of the magazine, it gives you all the page numbers of what on the front cover so the audience can go straight to what interests them the most. They have positioned the magazine diagram at the top of the page so it will be one of the first things the reader will see when they open the magazine.

There are five sub-headings 'we love boys', 'Celebs and gossip', 'we love shopping', 'all about you' and 'wins & offers'. By using five different heading it will attract the niche audience as they can see straight away  what they want to read the most. The 'we love boys' and 'we love shopping' section will attract the target audience as they will mainly be teenage girls who are interested in boys. The 'Celebs and gossip' section will also attract the audience as they will want to know all about what there favorite celebrities have been up. The 'all about you' section will make the audience feel special and they will feel important like a celebrity does. Finally the 'wins and offers' section will attract the audience as they will want to win what is on offer, this may also attract more people as they may be interested in what is on offer too.

Some of the images included are of One Direction and of shopping items, this would attract the audience as they will mostly be teen girls who are interested in shopping and boys. They have placed the image of One Direction at the bottom corner of the page where you turn the page, by placing it here the reader will defiantly see it and they can flip straight to page 26 to see what the story is about.

The font and colours used are very girly which would attract the audience, the pink will attract the main audience which will be girls and the yellow goes well with the pink, making the magazine stand out and look good. The font will make the magazine look more interesting and attractive to the reader and the yellow highlighting will make the best stories stand out more.

Music Magazine Research 1

The title of this magazine is 'WE (love) POP' I think this was chosen as the title because by saying 'WE' it makes the audience feel part of a group and supported in your like for 'POP' which is also emphasised by the use of the speech bubble. By using a love heart instead of the word love it will appeal the target audience more because its quirky just like pop music is. The title is bold and stands out so the audience will know exactly what the magazine is about, pop.

The main image is of Olly Murs this would attract the niche audience as they will be interested in Olly Murs, the main story is 'Olly's secret romance revealed'  this would also attract the niche audience as they will want to know the latest gossip about his love life. Some of the smaller images are of One Direction, The Wanted and other male pop artists. This would attract the target audience as they will mostly be teenage girls interested in boys. Some of the feature stories include 'ZIALL the other 1D bromance' this would attract the niche audience as they will want to know all about One Direction and all the new gossip about them. Another story is 'take splat! what's made The Wanted muckier than ever?' this would also attract the target audience because the question draws them and they will want to know the answer.  There is also stories about JLS and Union J which will attract fans of them and create a larger audience. Finally there is a advise section 'get some catwalk cool this Christmas' this will attract the target audience as they will admire there favourite celebrities and will want to be like them.
The main font used is quirky and interesting which will attract the target audience and draw them in. The colour scheme used is pink and blue, the pink and blue will attract the target audience as they will mostly be teenage girls.
The magazine includes all the typical conventions such as:
  • Date
  • Title
  • Barcode
  • Issue No.
  • Main image
  • Smaller images
  • Main/Feature stories

Music Magazine Research 2

The title of this magazine is 'KERRANG' and it is a black, cracked font which will appeal to the target audience as they will generally be men who enjoy rock. The cracked bold font will draw the niche audience in as you can tell straight away that its a rock magazine.

The main image is of a rocker with a guitar, this would attract the niche audience as they will know who he is and will want to know the latest news about him. The cover story is '100 GREATEST GIGS EVER! your votes are in! the winners are...' this would attract the target audience as the '...' will draw them in as they will want to know who the winners are. Some of the smaller images are of other rock artists such as 'Green Day' and 'Metallica' this will also attract the audience as those images will link to the cover story and they will want to know if there favourite artist won. Another story is '"We're going to crush the UK!" The Black Crusades VS Taste of Chaos' this would attract the target audience they will want to know more about the story, it will also attract more people in the if they are fans of the two artists mentioned.

The main font used is a bold, cracked, messy font which will attract the target audience, the font is all in capitals too which will make it stand out on the page. The main colours used are black, white, red and yellow which will attract the audience as black and red are dangerous colours whereas yellow and white are calmer colours creating a contrast, this would attract the target audience as rock is a is a complete contrast to most over music genres.

The magazine includes all the typical conventions such as:
  • Title
  • Barcode
  • Date
  • Issue No.
  • Cover story
  • Main images
  • Feature stories

Music Magazine Research 3

The title of this magazine is 'TOP of the POPS' and it is a pink/purple colour which will appeal to the target audience. I think they chose this as the title as it suggests straight away that the magazine is a pop magazine, they chose a fun, girly font to attract the niche audience. The word 'TOP' suggests that you would only get the best, top news about 'POP'.
The main image is of Cher Lloyd who at the time was a fairly new artist, this would attract the target audience as they will be interested in new artists and Cher Lloyds current fans will also buy the magazine creating a larger audience. The story is 'The REAL Cher Lloyd "I'm not going to hide anything"' this would also attract the target audience as they will want all the latest gossip about the latest pop artist. Some of the smaller images are of One Direction and JLS. 'exclusive pics 1D GO NUTS!' One direction fans will be very interested in this and will also create a larger target audience as fans will want to see the pictures. 'will Aston take you out?' is also another story in the magazine which will attract more fans especially of JLS. The final story is 'Fashion overload 106 catwalk copies' which would attract the niche audience as they will mostly be girls who would look up to and admire there favourite celebrities and who would aspire to be like them.
Some of the merchandise included in the magazine are things like '7 sizzling posters' and 'Cher's new single!!!' this would attract the audience as they will want merchandise from their favourite celebrities. By including merchandise the magazine will attract more people and make more money.   
The font used is very fun and interesting which will attract the target audience, it is mostly in capital letters which will make the main stories stand out. The colour used is also interesting, mostly pink and purple which will attract the niche audience too.

The magazine also includes all typical conventions such as:
  • Title
  • Barcode
  • Issue No.
  • Date
  • Main image
  • Smaller images
  • Main/Feature stories
  • Merchandise

My School Magazine

The title of my magazine is 'EEHS WEEKLY' I have chose this as the name of the magazine because it suggests that this magazine will be a weekly issue and the students and teachers can rely on this magazine every week to get the local school news. I chose to use green, yellow, red and  blue for the 'EEHS' part of the title because they are the school colours and people will automatically know which school the magazine belongs to. I used black for the 'WEEKLY' part of the title because black is a professional and serious colour so the audience will be reassured that they can rely on the magazine every week. I also chose to use a interesting but professional font for the title so the magazine looks interesting to appeal to the students but professional so it will appeal to the parents and teachers.

The main image is of a teacher at the school, I chose to use this as the main image as she looks very smart and professional which will appeal to the parents of current and future students as they can be sure that their child is getting a good education, this image will also appeal to the students and teachers as they can relate to it as its an image of someone they all know. I have also used a few smaller pictures which correspond to the feature stories, this would appeal to the target audience as they will know straight away what is going to be in the magazine and it also make the magazine look more interesting and fun which will interest the students more as they are young and fun themselves. Finally I have included the school logo which will let the audience know straight away that the magazine belongs to Epsom and Ewell high school.

The main stories included in the magazine are all stories which would appeal to the niche audience, they are stories about and aimed at the students. The first feature story is 'Outstanding GCSE Results' this would appeal to not only the students but the teachers and parents to so they can see how the school is improving each year, it will appeal to the students too because they can see how everyone did and can be proud of themselves. The second feature story is 'Amazing Prom photos' this will also appeal to the target audience as its about them and what they have achieved. The next feature story is 'Have your say....' each week this would be about different things, in this issue its about the 'school cafĂ©' this story would appeal to the target audience a they get to have their say about issues and things they find important. The final feature story is 'EEHS Sixth Form' this story is aimed at the sixth form this would get the magazine more recognition as it will appeal to a wider audience, it will also appeal to the students interested in the sixth form. I have chose to include 4 main/feature stories on the front rather that one main story so the audience can see straight away what this weeks magazine will be about and it will appeal to a wider range of audience rather that those only interested I the main story. I have also included a competition which will appeal to the target audience as you can win a '£25 iTunes voucher' and young people are very interested in music and an iTunes voucher will appeal to people who like all types of music.

The colour scheme of green, yellow, red and blue will appeal to the target audience as those are the school colours and the students can relate to it. I also chose to use the EEHS colours as it will make the magazine look more interesting and appeal to the audience more. 
I have included all the typical conventions of a magazine such as:
  • Title
  • Date
  • Issue No.
  • Main image
  • Smaller images
  • Main/Feature stories
  • School logo

Thursday 28 November 2013

Costume Research

As this is a school magazine I would like to have a teach on the front cover, the teacher must be in smart clothes so that he or she would set a good example to the parents therefore making more parents feel that the school is a good place for there children. I will also uses bright colours for the font and background to appeal to the students as well.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Font Research

I have done some font research for my school magazine title. I have experimented with colour and size to see which fonts stand out the most and and which font would work best with my magazine.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

My School Magazine Planning

My magazine will be called 'EEHS WEEKLY' because it will suggest that the magazine will be a weekly thing that the students and teachers can rely on. 

It will included stories such as:
1. Outstanding GCSE results
2. Prom Drama
3. Have your say.....
4. EEHS Sixth Form 

I have choose these as the feature stories because they are about the students and teachers so they will be more interested in the magazine, I included 'Have your say....' because it will be more interactive for the students and they can express their views about the school.

The images will correspond with the feature stories so the magazine will look relevant and appeal to the target audience and the colour scheme will be the EEHS colours so people will know what school the magazine if from if they see it. I will also use an interesting but professional font because if its interesting it will attract the students and the professional look will attract the teachers and anyone else interested in the school like parents.

Research School Magazine 1

The title of this magazine is 'school weekly' I think they chose this  because it suggests that the magazine will be a weekly addition so the students, the parents and the teachers can rely on the magazine to get an update on the latest news for the school. the title is also red, this makes the magazine stand out as its bold and bright.

The main image is of a girl holding her school books and bag, this makes the audience feel as if the students are hard working and will reassure parents that the school and the students are serious about their education. There are also a few smaller 'Exclusive pictures of year 11 prom', this would appeal to an audience as they can see that after all the hard work the students have done they can celebrate and have fun, they can feel proud.

The main cover story is 'Every year 11 pupil GCSE grades published!' this would definitely stand out on the page because if the school are wiling to publish the results, they must be very good and the school must feel very proud of their students. There is also a section called 'Stressing about exams?' where they offer top 10 tips about how to prepare for exams. This would appeal to all the students as they will be able to get advice without having to specifically ask, which some students are embarrassed to do, it would also appeal to the parents as they can see that the school care about their  children enough to offer this advice.

The colour scheme throughout is red and blue, I think that it works quite well, however its not very interesting and doesn't draw you in, the font is also quite boring yet professional so it looks good however as its a school magazine the students may prefer a more interesting font.
The typical things that are on the front cover is things like the:
  • Date of the issue
  • Title 
  • Cover story
  • A few feature stories 
  • A main image
  • Smaller images

Research School Magazine 2

The title of this magazine is 'THE KING'S SCHOOL', they called the magazine this as that is the name of the school, they have put it in capital letters so it will stand out. The title is also in blue, this would make it look professional and represents the school in a professional way.

The main image used is of a boy, he is in casual clothes which is a contrast to the professional look of the magazine. The fact that he is in casual clothes suggests that the school is very laid back which would appeal to the niche market of young adults, as young people like to dress in casual and comfortable clothes. There is also a smaller image from the school prom which would appeal to the target audience as its about them and they can relate to it, as there is a price of 80p to pay a few more images would be good as it will make the magazine look more interesting.

The story that stands out the most is 'EXAM STRESS!' which is in capital, bold letters. By making this stand out it will really appeal to the target audience as they will be going through it themselves once again they can relate to this. There is also a story on uniform and it says 'the debate is on' suggesting that there is an ongoing feud about this and it also links to the main image of the boy as he isn't really in a uniform. At the bottom there is a story called 'doughnuts in the canteen? Have your say!' This could also be seen as a debate, the fact that they have a lot of debates suggests that the school is very vocal and they let the students have a say in their own education which would appeal to parents or new student who are interested in the school.

The colour scheme is red and blue, I think it works well as it stand out and will appeal to the target audience. The font is quite professional so it suggests that the school is very professional, however there is also a more interesting font at the bottom as its a more quirky story which suggests that the school also have fun which will  appeal to new students.

In the magazine there is all the typical conventions of a magazine such as a:
  • Title 
  • Main image 
  • Date 
  • Cover story 
  • Smaller images and stories
  • Barcode

Research School Magazine 3

The title of the magazine is 'The Griffin' which is the name of the school. I think they chose this as the name because they are very proud of their school, the school can speak for itself. Also calling the magazine the name of the school if others see it they will know where its from. The title is also is in a black, professional font suggesting that the school is very professional.

The main image is of two students smiling, this would appeal to the target audience as it its an image of their friends and piers. The fact that they are smiling makes the school look very inviting and will appeal to others who are interested in the school. There is one smaller logo image of a griffin which represents the school so when you see the logo you will think of the school.

The stories are about the school, there is a few interviews and stories form the students themselves which will appeal to the target audience as they will want to know what their fellow students think about the school and what is going on with the students themselves. There is a part called 'school food: tell us what you think' this would appeal to the target audience as they will have a chance to have there say, it will also appeal to others who are interested in the school as they will see that the school is interested in what the students think.

The main colour scheme is purple and black, it works well because it stands out and looks professional however it looks a bit boring, if the font was more interesting it may appeal to the target audience more as they will be young students.

This magazine also has all the typical conventions of a magazine such as:
  • Title 
  • Main images
  • Feature stories 
However there is no Date or Issue No. which is unusual for a magazine. This magazine also has a competition which would definably appeal to the niche audience as you can win a £15 Itunes voucher and young people are very into music, it would also appeal to a wider range of audience as most people will like some type of music.