Saturday 1 February 2014

Double Page Spread Drafts

Here I have experimented with the layout and the colour's of my double page spread. I did this so that i could see which colours worked the best and fit with the genre more, I changed the layout of the magazine to so if the image of the artist would look better on the right or on the left like i have shown in my plan. I decided that the image looked better on the right however I am unsure whether the colours I have used are suited to the genre. I have include the typical conventions of a Country-Pop magazine such as a large image of the artist with an instrument, artist quotes around the page and simple but interesting fonts and colours. I have also included a byline to show who took the photo and I have shown the name of the magazine at the top of the page. I am going to experiment further with the colours so they fit my genre better. 

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