Friday 14 February 2014

Final Content Page

This is my finished content page I have changed the layout and the font so that it looks more professional, I have also changed the colour scheme so that it links to the rest of my magazine. I have include a different new artists so that the magazine is more interesting with more variety however I removed the guitar from the background as it mad the content page look to busy and the artist didn't stand out as much.

Final Double Page Spread

This is my finished double page spread I have change the colour scheme so that it links to my front cover and I have chosen to have the image on the right as after asking others the majority of people preferred the layout with the image on the right of the page rather that the left.

Final Magazine Cover

This is my finished front cover I have changed the layout of the text on my magazine as I thought it looked more professional, I have also change the font and the colour, I changed the colour scheme to red and blue as Country Pop music originated in America and I change the background to hay I did this so it looks more conventionally like a Country Pop magazine. Overall I think that this is the best cover as it clearly represents the Country Pop genre and it looks the most professionally made.

Thursday 13 February 2014

Content Page Drafts

I have started to create my content page for my magazine. I have used Many different fonts so it looks more interesting however I think that the font could be a different colour so it links to the colour scheme of the rest of my magazine. I have used a close up image of a guitar in the background, I did this as guitars are typical of the genre and of a Country magazine. In my plan I included a image of my front cover with labels saying the page number, however when I came to making my magazine I realised that it didn't look professional and it looked out of place.

Monday 3 February 2014

Front Cover Draft 2

This is the second draft of my front cover, I have changed the main image and the title to suit the genre more however I am not sure about the colour scheme as it doesn't stand out a lot and it could suit the genre more. I am going to continue experimenting with the colour scheme and I am going to continue experimenting with the main image to make it look more professional. 

Front Cover Draft 1

This is the first draft of my magazine front cover. I have included all the conventions of a Country-Pop magazine such as cover stories, feature stories, date and issue number and a barcode. I have also included a title but I am not sure about the font, I think I could make it more suitable to the genre by having the 'Now' a different font from the 'Country' to show the collaboration of genres. I may also change the image of the artist on the front to make it look more professional and eye catching. 

Saturday 1 February 2014

Double Page Spread Drafts

Here I have experimented with the layout and the colour's of my double page spread. I did this so that i could see which colours worked the best and fit with the genre more, I changed the layout of the magazine to so if the image of the artist would look better on the right or on the left like i have shown in my plan. I decided that the image looked better on the right however I am unsure whether the colours I have used are suited to the genre. I have include the typical conventions of a Country-Pop magazine such as a large image of the artist with an instrument, artist quotes around the page and simple but interesting fonts and colours. I have also included a byline to show who took the photo and I have shown the name of the magazine at the top of the page. I am going to experiment further with the colours so they fit my genre better.