Friday 10 January 2014

Interview Draft 1

Marie is the newest Country-Pop sensation; she has climbed the charts and reached number 1 in over 20 countries as well as releasing her new debut album and selling over 500 000 copies in less than 24 hours.

Country-Pop magazine interviewed her and asked all about her recent success in the music industry:

CPM: We are so thankful that you have joined us here today and we can’t wait to here all about your new single and debut album.
M: Thank you I am so happy to be here.

CPM: So how do you feel about reaching number 1 in over 20 countries so fast?
M: I cant believe it, its all happened so fast and I am just so grateful to all my fans out there that helped me to reach number 1.

CPM: Yes, and I am sure all you fans out there will be very interested to know what inspired you to become a Country-Pop singer.
M: Well, I have always been interested in Country music ever since I was a little girl; my mum was a huge Country fan so I have grown up around it. I became interested in Country-Pop music after seeing Carrie Underwood live, and then I continued to listen to other Country-Pop artists like Taylor Swift and one of my mum’s favourite singers Dolly Parton, they really inspired me to pursue a career in music.

CPM: Wow so you have a lot of knowledge about the genre, growing up around it, I also hear that write you own lyrics; did you right the lyrics to you new single?
M: Yes I did actually I started to write them when I was about 14, my mum had got me a guitar for Christmas and then I taught myself how to play. I just stared to write and really enjoyed it.

CPM: That's amazing that you started to write so young, have you ever thought about writing lyrics for other artists or collaborating with anyone. 
M: No I have never thought about writing for others, but that is something that I might look into. I am really interested in collaborating with different artists, I really love Ed Sheering he has such an amazing voice and I have heard he is great to work with. 

CPM: Well, who knows Ed Sheering may want to work with you too. 
M: (Laughing) Yeah that would be amazing.

CPM: Well it has been great talking to you, we all hope to hear more from you in the up and coming months.
M: Thank you! Its been my pleasure and I cant wait to get back in the studio and work on my next album. 

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