Wednesday 29 January 2014

Costume Research

As my genre is country-pop I would like my artist to have young, current clothes so that she is more relatable to the target audience. The clothes must have an air of country about them while still looking fresh sop that the artist will appeal to both the country and pop audience. I would also like to use instruments as props in my photo shoot to make the set look more interesting, the instruments would appeal to the country audience more while the casual, young outfit will appeal to both the country and the pop audience. 

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Font Research

I have decided to change the name of my magazine as I feel 'Country-Pop magazine' is too general and quite boring. The new name of my magazine is 'Now Country' I feel this name stands out more when you read it or hear it while still being clear of the genre. 

Monday 27 January 2014

Magazine Photoshoot

I have done a photo shoot exploring different angles, positioning, lighting and props. I have uploaded the best images onto photo peach so that I could clearly see which pictures stood out the most. This made the selection process a lot quicker as I didn't have to search through all the pictures one by one and I could easily pick out the most effective pictures.

Readers Profile

My magazine will appeal to both men and women, the main age group that the magazine will be targeted at is 15-30 year olds. The magazine will interest people with all different interests who all have Country-Pop music in common.

Age/Gender: 17, Male 
Hobbies/Interests: Music, Dance, Art, Concerts and Busking.
Career: Full time student studying Music Technology and Media.
Favorite Artists: Ed Sheering, Jason Mraz, Avicii and Passenger.

Age/Gender: 15, Female 
Hobbies/Interests: Singing, Writing, Fashion and Playing instruments.
Career: Full time student in high school.
Favorite Artists: Taylor Swift, Carrie Underwood and Fun.

Age/Gender: 22, Female
Hobbies/Interests: Horse ridding, Music, Charity work and Writing
Career: Music Journalists
Favorite Artists: Adele, Colbie Caillat, Aloe Black and Lady Antebellum

Interview Draft 2

Content Page Plan

This is the template for my content page, i will be working form this when making my content page.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Double Page Spread Plan

This is a sketch of my double page spread plan, this is what I will be using as a template when designing my double page spread. 

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Magazine Cover Plan

This is a sketch of my magazine front cover, this is what I will be working from when designing my front cover.

Friday 10 January 2014

Interview Draft 1

Marie is the newest Country-Pop sensation; she has climbed the charts and reached number 1 in over 20 countries as well as releasing her new debut album and selling over 500 000 copies in less than 24 hours.

Country-Pop magazine interviewed her and asked all about her recent success in the music industry:

CPM: We are so thankful that you have joined us here today and we can’t wait to here all about your new single and debut album.
M: Thank you I am so happy to be here.

CPM: So how do you feel about reaching number 1 in over 20 countries so fast?
M: I cant believe it, its all happened so fast and I am just so grateful to all my fans out there that helped me to reach number 1.

CPM: Yes, and I am sure all you fans out there will be very interested to know what inspired you to become a Country-Pop singer.
M: Well, I have always been interested in Country music ever since I was a little girl; my mum was a huge Country fan so I have grown up around it. I became interested in Country-Pop music after seeing Carrie Underwood live, and then I continued to listen to other Country-Pop artists like Taylor Swift and one of my mum’s favourite singers Dolly Parton, they really inspired me to pursue a career in music.

CPM: Wow so you have a lot of knowledge about the genre, growing up around it, I also hear that write you own lyrics; did you right the lyrics to you new single?
M: Yes I did actually I started to write them when I was about 14, my mum had got me a guitar for Christmas and then I taught myself how to play. I just stared to write and really enjoyed it.

CPM: That's amazing that you started to write so young, have you ever thought about writing lyrics for other artists or collaborating with anyone. 
M: No I have never thought about writing for others, but that is something that I might look into. I am really interested in collaborating with different artists, I really love Ed Sheering he has such an amazing voice and I have heard he is great to work with. 

CPM: Well, who knows Ed Sheering may want to work with you too. 
M: (Laughing) Yeah that would be amazing.

CPM: Well it has been great talking to you, we all hope to hear more from you in the up and coming months.
M: Thank you! Its been my pleasure and I cant wait to get back in the studio and work on my next album. 

Tuesday 7 January 2014

My Magazine Plan

I am going to combine elements from both a Country magazine and a Pop magazine to create a interesting and professional looking Country-Pop magazine.

I have chosen to call my magazine Country-Pop Magazine, I chose this name because it is simple like the Country genre, I then chose to use a curly, red font, this reflects the Pop genre as it is girly and fun, the red represents both Country and Pop as is bold and stands out on the page.

The layout and style of my magazine will be simple to reflect the Country genre but I will use bright, bold colours to represent the Pop genre and I will use a simple font to make the magazine look professional.