Monday 9 December 2013

Audience Research

Different genres of music magazines will have a different target audience, when making a magazine you have to think about the layout, colours, artists and general theme of the magazine, so that it will appeal to the target audience. 

Pop Magazine Audience
Pop magazines will generally be aimed at teenage girls ranging in age from 11-17 depending on the magazine. They will mostly be read by people in the demographic E (students) and will be bright and colorful to attract the target audience. There will also be young artists on the cover and the articles will consist of gossip, fashion and the latest music. 
Some sub genres of Pop are:
  • Bubblegum Pop (Pre-teens and younger teens)
  • Country Pop (Artists include Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood)
  • Dance Pop (Up tempo music, late teens, early adults)
  • Electronic Pop (Influenced by Punk Rock and Disco)
  • Pop Folk (Fusion of Folk and Club music)
  • Pop Rock (Older artists such as Elton John and Rob Stewart)
  • Power Pop (Mixture of Hard Rock and Pop)
Rock Magazine Audience
Rock magazines are generally aimed at older people around mid 20s however this is not the only audience as rock magazines can appeal to people around the ages of 14-30+. The demographic of Rock  magazines will be in the social class of C/D with over half of the readership being males. Rock magazines will consist of dark colours such as black and red and will consist of concert information and both current and older artists.
Some sub genres of Rock are:
  • Rap Rock (Mixture between Rap metal and Heavy metal)
  • Hard Rock (Early roots of Rock, Artists include The who and Aerosmith)
  • Blues Rock (Uses a range of instruments such as electric guitar, piano, bass guitar and drums)
  • Death Rock (Often used for themes to horror and sci-fi films)
  • Experimental Rock (Artists experiment with instruments and singing styles) 
  • Folk Rock (Arose from America, artists such as The Beatles. 
  • Indie Rock (Very diverse originated in the UK and the US in the 80s)
Country Magazine Audience 
Country magazines are generally aimed at people aging from 18-55 with just under half of the audience falling between the ages of 18-35 and is most popular in America. The main demographics of Country magazines will be E/D however 39% of county music listeners will be in the top demographic and will be targeted at both males and females, with females being over 50% of the general readership. Country magazines will consist of browns and yellows and will have both recent and older country music artists on the front cover. 
Some sub genres of Country are:
  • Classic Country (Older music, older audience)
  • Country Folk (Singer-songwriters)
  • Country Rock (Began in late 1960s, artists include Bob Dylan and The Byrds)
  • Country Blues (Popular in America)
  • Texas Country (More intimate connection between singer and audience)
  • Country Pop (Artists include Taylor Swift and Carrie Underwood)
  • Christian Country (Christian audience)
R&B Magazine Audience
R&B magazines are mainly aimed at people at an age range of 13-25 and would be in the demographic of C/E/D. The majority of the audience is females with them being over 60% of the readership. RnB magazines will consists of red and blacks with a young attractive artists on the front which attracts the female audience. The majority of R&B fans are teenagers and young adults, R&B music particularly appeals to  women as the songs are about being in love or heartbroken and the fast passed songs will involve a lot of fashion and stereotypically fans come from a black background because of the soul roots. R&B combines rhythm and blues, pop, soul, funk and hip hop so appeals to a wider audience.

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